军事 Information

  • Recruiters from each branch of the U.S. Armed Forces visit Sherman High School throughout the year.


    Recruiters visit during lunch, and students may visit with them in the cafeteria during lunch.

    星期一- U.S. 军队

    星期二- U.S. 海军

    Wednesday - Texas 军队 National Guard

    星期四- U.S. 海军陆战队

    星期五- U.S. Air Force (monthly)


    U.S. Coast Guard - Please contact Ms. Pruiett to get the recruiter's contact information. 


    学生 and parents may also contact Ms. Pruiett to get any of the recruiter’s contact information.


  • The Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) was originally designed to help measure and predict the success of an applicant in various academic and occupational areas in the military.

    Any student, interested in the military or not, may sign up to take the ASVAB.


    Sherman HS will offer the ASVAB test on April 14, 2022 at 8:30 AM in the SHS Library. 

    To sign up for the ASVAB, please visit our ASVAB website, http://pth.m2methods.net/Page/10719


    Branch Requirements

    Each branch of the service has a minimum score set for entry. The higher your score the better chance you have of not only enlisting in your chosen branch, but also garnering the position you want. The minimum AFQT scores for entry into each branch, with a high school diploma, are as follows:

    • 空军- 36
    • 军队 & National Guard – 31
    • 海岸警卫队- 40
    • 海军陆战队- 32人
    • 海军- 35


    ASVAB Practice Tests


    Tax 好处 for Miltary Members & 退伍军人

    Air Force: Technical Training Overview